Sunday, December 13, 2009

I am sick so I decided to follow Joe's advice which are to rest and drink a lot of water. Also Sweareeget told me to drink tea. I hope I can go Monday to the party. In addition I watched the movie that Daniel recommended which is " You Don't Mess with Zohan." This movie is very funny. It is with the comedian Adam Sandler.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

I am glad because yesterday we had a debate even thought my team lost. I hope that decision the jury took can come true because fast food such as McDonald is not good for health. We should try to avoid this kind of food and eat more vegetables and fruits. After we were discussing about food, I would like to buy more frequently fresh vegetables and fruits in farms.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

I am glad because yesterday I got a haircut. I was desperate because I had not have a haircut since 3 weeks ago. Now I feel better and like new. Also yesterday I watched a movie called Death Race. This movie is similar to the video game Mario Kart. The movie is about a race which the racers can use missiles, bombs and many weapons to eliminate the competitors and able to win the race.

Friday, December 4, 2009

I like this unit about health because I feel the class is working because I have changed my eating habits. I have read many articles before about health and I only fallow the advice for couples days. Discussing about health everyday help me to keep it in my mind and be more aware about my health. The food diary has work because when I write everything I have eaten during the day or previews day, I can notice how much meat I am eating and how much vegetables and fruits. This advice is helping because the fact that I see in the food diary that I am eating a lot of meat instead of vegetables make me to change my eating habits. I love this class.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Yesterday I went to the workshop and I was glad because had one more class with Mrs. Barby. I think the class was interesting and very important because it is one hour more to learn and I was able to get answer for some questions. I signed up for the next workshop and I am glad that Mrs. Christina will be the teacher.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I am glad to be in the LINCC program because beside we are learning English, we are learning many interesting topics such the the different kinds of medicine and about homeschooling. Also I like when we are discussing in the class because everybody can give their opinion and we can learn from different cultures. In the beginning of the semester I thought the class was gonna be only about essays and grammar. However, this has impressed me.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

I have been reading the magazines from Readers`s Digest and I think they are pretty interesting because it has many jokes and many intriguing articles. Last time I was reading about a doctor who earn about $150,000 a year and he dedicate part of his life volunteering in Africa. He made surgery to the people who has their lips separated. While he is volunteering, he could earn about $1 million making these surgeries. This article remembered to the unit of act of kindness. I like this doctor because he prefer see people smiling than money.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

I cannot wait anymore for Tomorrow`s game which is Real Madrid vs Barcelona.I hope my team Real Madrid can beat the other team. This is the soccer classic from Spain and one of the oldest soccer classic of the world. Also today I spent playing a soccer game called FIFA 2010 which is very good because most of the team of the world appear and the players look very real. Also I am happy because the semester is almost over and I will be able to study my career the next year.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Yesterday I notice that everybody in the classroom is improving in the essays. I think that the flash writing are helping us to come up with more ideas easily and doing the outline to organize it better. When the semester started I usually took about 2 hours writing a essay. Yesterday, I took one hour and 15 minutes to finish it.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

I liked the unit about homeschooling because I learned a lot of new information about this kind of teaching. Before study this unit I thought that homeschooling was bad because students cannot socialize with other people and they will not develop as a normal student. However, I learned that in this kind of teaching you can make a lot of friends as well and it is more efficient because students can spend less time studying and spend more time doing what really they want to do. But, I will never change Mrs. Christine for this kind of teaching because her classes are more effective !!

Friday, November 20, 2009

I feel better because I already did my presentation because now I can relax and work more in other areas to improve my English. Also I cannot for Thanksgiving because we will not have school for two days and I think it is a wonderful day to spend time with the family. Sometimes some relatives from Australia, Canada or from my country El Salvador come for this holiday. Also I want to go to the Mall for the Black Friday because I received a gift card for my birthday the last month and I have not used it yet.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I am glad that the best player and most expensive soccer player in the world Christiano Ronaldo is coming back to play again after he had an injure in his knee for almost one month. It's incredible how much he worth. My favorite team Real Madrid bought Christiano Ronaldo when he was in a soccer team in England name Manchester United for $120 million. Now he is playing better in the new team and he worth about $200 million for any team who wants to buy him.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

This weekend I spent watching some movies and soccer games with some friends. This weekend we were planning with some friends to watch the movie 2012, but we end up watching movies at home. I think that sometimes we make a lot of plans and they do not work as we expect. Sometimes we do not make plans and things work very well. Sometimes when we hang out spontaneously the day is better.

Friday, November 13, 2009

This Thursday after I played soccer in the College, I went to see the breakdance show in the CCB building and it was awesome, there were a lot of good dancers. I think everybody was impressive after see how these people can stand up with one hand, folding their feet, spinning around, that was really seek. If I find some pictures or videos I will post them as well.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I am glad because we did not have class on Wednesday because I can rest so can play soccer this Thursday again. Also I can watch some of my favorites soccer games in the afternoon. I was trying to find something on Internet and on a side of the web page was a famous quote from Benjamin Franklin that it says: "Early to bed and early to rise, Makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise". I agree because I have heard that people who follow this routine tend to live longer and healthier. But I think that few people follow this routine because we usually spend the night to watch our favorite games, movies or something on in Internet.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

This week I joined the soccer club and I really liked because I saw some of my friends. Also I like the soccer club because when it is cold we can play in the inside of the gym.

Friday, November 6, 2009

I liked the presentation of Cristina because we could see voluntarism from an different perspective. We had a person who really had a experience of voluntarism in Madagascar who can prove whats really altruism because I think she was helping without receive something back even thouth she got paid. One day I would like to do this kind of voluntarism because many poor people have been suffering and will be suffering if we do not do something about it. Being in this situation for 1 or 2 years is nothing compared how this poor people have been living for many years.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I hope today Yankees win, I do not know what I win, maybe Mrs. Christina can be happy. I do not follow baseball, I do not even know all rules; but, just the fact that I live in New York, make me to be a Yankee fun. Also today the soccer team Manchester United tie with Moskva. I hope they can get better because it is my favorite team from England. The coach from this team is Alex Ferguson, he is the best soccer coach because he has won more than 30 trophies and he has been coaching the same team during almost 30 years. He is some famous in England , that even he was called by the England Queens to be reconigze as Sir Alex Ferguson.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

I have chosen the book "Autobiography of My Dead Brother" by Walter Dean Myers to read it during school because his books are very interesting for young people. I have already read two books of him, one is "Bad Boys" a memoir from his life. I feel bad for the author because he had to quit High School and join the army because he was turned down by the society because he is African-American. However, he ended up being a famous writer and he had won many awards.
I think it is a good idea about reading books while we are waiting for others to finish their assignments because we do not waste our time and we can improve in reading. This Saturday I watched the soccer game Real Madrid v Getafe, Real Madrid won 2-0. I am still waiting to see Christiano Ronaldo playing again because now he has a injure in his knee.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I loved this week because we had break. I loved even more Christina's class because has a lot of energy. I hope she can transmit that energy to me because sometimes I feel sleepy. During break I played indoor soccer by my house and I watched the movie "Never Back Down". I liked this movie even though came out last year. The movie was very interesting because the fighters could do amazing movements. I think I got to talk with Joe to teach me Kon-Fu.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

I am sad because tomorrow is the last class we have with Mrs. Barby. I know the best classes last for a small period of time. I hope I can overcome this sorrow. I will miss her so much. I love her because she has a lot of patience and she is very smart to figure out how to explain it to us. I enjoy her class so much that I don't even feel when the class is over. I grade her work with a A++++++++++. Thank You Mrs. Barby !!!!!!!!!!!!!
GOD BLESS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I am sad because Wednesday I will lost one of the best soccer game in the world. My favorite team Real Madrid from Spain will play against Milan from Italy. This is a classic game and both teams have skillful players. It is a surprise because Kaka one of the best player in the world will have the first game against his ex-team. This player just was bought in summer. I hope my team can win.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I could not believe Mrs. Barby said I did good in the essay about if animals should have the same rights as people because I did not write enough information. But, I did not do many grammar mistakes. I hope I can keep up this this result in the rest of the essays.

It is intriguing how Kaka one of the best soccer player in the world celebrates his goals. He always raises his hands with his index fingers pointed upward meaning the dedication for the goals are for God. I think is one of the reasons to be one of the best player of the world because God rewards Kaka for dedicate each goal to Him.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I am glad because we already finish this unit. In the beginning of the unit was OK because we were learning how the Dogman solve problems with the dogs, but later we have to write an essay about if the animals should have the same rights as people. I think is pretty easy question but it is hard to explain it. It's like to explain to the kids why animals die. I think I wrote a horrible essay. We must have skip this unit.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Understanding human behavior is difficult. And understanding dogs behavior is still more difficult. It is incredible how the trainer Cesar or better known as "Dogman" is capable to figure out different behavior problems with the dogs. I never though that being dog psycologist was so important. Definitily I would never choose this as career.
I am angry because my favorite soccer team spent $200 million in skillful players and end up losing against one team which only spent about $20 million in his players. The excuse of lost is due the coach did not let the best soccer player of the world Christiano Ronaldo play because he wanted to save the player for other more important. I hope the next game can win. Anyway, we are in second place, no bad.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

I was looking for Michel Jordan's quote on Internet to write it on my post and by accident I found other interesting quote which I wanna share with you. " by Michael Jordan. Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation." I like this quote because I can turn my problems into benefits. For example sometimes I complain I do not have a car. I never read books when I am in my home because I watch TV or use the computer, when I am in the bus or in the train the only thing I can do to kill the time is reading books. Reading books have help me to improve my writing and reading skills, and to be a rich person in knowledge.
I agree with Alysia about Obama's speech. This encourage us to keep working hard to achieve our goals. The most interesting part of the article was when President Obama said Michel Jordan' s quote: "I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed" I like this quote because it is true, because if we never fail, we will never learn.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

I already started reading the book "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain. I think it is interesting so forth. I already read "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" which is the second part and it was fascinating. However, this second book (Huckleberry Finn) is very controversial as well because the author use many times the word nigger to name the slaves. Therefore, this book is prohibited in many schools because it is uncomfortable to read for African-American due it shows discrimination. It is surprising the author of this book took 7 years to finish it.
I am glad because we will not go to college on Monday. I think we have to have vacation more frequently. I hope everybody can enjoy this day off because we still have many school days. Once more I am glad because my favorite soccer team is still unbeated.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

I was reading on Internet that the writer of "Great Expectations" and "Oliver Twist" and the most famous English author Charles Dickens had to work at the age of the 12 to help with family expenses. He worked long hours in factories with bad conditions. One of his book "Hard Times" was inspired based on his infancy problems during Industrial Revolution. This remember me that sometimes we have to suffer to achieve our goals.
This week when we were writing people who overcame their obstacles I remembered of Walter Dean Mayer author of "Fallen Angels" because he stopped to attend high school because he faced discrimination because he was one of the few African-American in school. However, his dreams came the moment less expected.

Friday, September 11, 2009

I am happy because the national soccer team from my contry beat Costa Rica 1-0. The same day I heard a quote from a TV producer called Don Frncisco that say: "Life is like a marathon of running that never end, however; we the runner have to keep running not matter how far is. " I think it is truth because the problems never end and we we have to learn to solve or deal with them.
On Wednesday I was watching a TV program about a Spanish man who is blind. The most surprising about the show was that even though this man has a disability, he could progress and enjoy his life. Also, this blind man can dance, sing, row, run in competition, and hike. Many times we have good health and we complain. It is ironic how people with disability such as this man from Spain and Hellen keller could achieve many goals, and a person who is healthy cannot improve their lifes.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I am glad because two of my favorites players in the world are playing together in Real Madrid Futbol Club, a soccer club from Spain. One player is Kaka from Brazil and the other is Christiano Ronaldo from Portugal. The last season this team was doing bad, however, since the team bought these two players, the team has been winning. Last Saturday I went to my friend's house to watch the match Brazil v Argentina. This was a really good game and the best of all Brazil won. Sunday, I spend cleaning my bedroom and watching tv. Finally, the Labor Day I went shopping with my family.